Lady Musgrave Island

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Lady Musgrave Island is one of the closest coral cays to Brisbane. It boasts a unique deep-water lagoon with brilliant snorkelling and diving opportunities. It is part of Capricornia Cays National Park.

Coming and going

Lady Musgrave Island is accessible from 1770; because 1770 is nearby, daytrips from here allow you to spend longer on the reef.

From 1770 you can go to Lady Musgrave Island onboard MV Spirit of 1770, which takes 75 minutes and costs $190 for a day cruise. LM Cruises also run trips from 1770 Marina. A daytrip with LM Cruises costs $190. The ferry costs considerably more if you plan on returning on a different day.


Camping is the only accommodation option on the island. There are no services on the island so you’ll need to bring everything you need with you, including water.

Camping permits are available from the Queensland Parks & Wildlife Service for $5.75 per person per night.


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